Open A Demat Account
3 in 1 Account - Demat > Trading > Bank
Investing in stocks or derivatives requires a Trading A/C, Demat A/C and a Bank A/C. In this process, we will help you open a Trading A/C and Demat A/C with us.
You can use an existing ICICI Bank A/C or any other Bank A/C that you have.
Are Just Two Terms That Autoplay
It's up to You to
Mutual Funds & You
Bond for Your Lifetime Long-term Secured Goals
Our online service is ever evolving and offers you facilities like making a lump sum investment, redemption, switches within same fund houses, setting up systematic investment plans etc.
You can start with as little as Rs.500 or Rs 1,000 (as specified by AMCs) when you start a Systematic Investment Plan or Rs.1, 000 or Rs 5,000 (as specified by AMCs) if you are looking for a lump sum investment (one-time investment).
All currency trading is done in pairs. Unlike the stock market, where you can buy or sell a single stock, you have to buy one currency and sell another currency in the forex market.
Next, nearly all currencies are priced out to the fourth decimal point. A pip or percentage in point is the smallest increment of trade.
We Pair ...
All currency trading is done in pairs. Unlike the stock market, where you can buy or sell a single stock, you have to buy one currency and sell another currency in the forex market.
Next, nearly all currencies are priced out to the fourth decimal point. A pip or percentage in point is the smallest increment of trade.
A bond is a contract between two parties. ... They issue bonds and investors buy them (thereby giving the people who issued the bond money). Bonds have a maturity date. This means that at some point, the bond issuer has to pay back the money to the investors.
Definition of 'Ipo' Definition: Initial public offering is the process by which a private company can go public by sale of its stocks to general public. ... The company which offers its shares, known as an 'issuer', does so with the help of investment banks. After IPO, the company's shares are traded in an open market.
Portfolio Management Services (PMS), service offered by the Portfolio Manager, is an investment portfolio in stocks, fixed income, debt, cash, structured products and other individual securities, managed by a professional money manager that can potentially be tailored to meet specific investment objectives.